How fresh economics can tackle Coronavirus and Climate Change

With the novel COVID-19 spreading and affecting numerous cities across the world in a matter of months, we see new scientific research about it every day. COVID-19 is causing global trade to be disrupted, flights are being canceled, and many people are now working or staying at home. C ould the devastating impact of the new coronavirus pandemic destroy the momentum that the climate movement has built up over the last year? Some say so, fearing that the economic fallout will push climate down the list of priorities for governments, and that travel restrictions will force a delay to the U.N. climate conference. That can’t happen. What brought us to this point of unprecedented interest in taking climate action is climate change itself. We have witnessed huge, record-breaking fires and floods , from California to Siberia, all in the space of one year. Sadly those negative impacts will continue, both in frequency and intensity. If we thought w...