Beware Of Earthquakes!


    Beware of Earthquakes! :

It is a sudden shaking movement of the ground caused by the passage of seismic waves through earth’s rocks. It is known as quake. Earthquakes can be extremely violent. These are caused by movement of the earth’s tectonic plates. The primary effects of earthquakes are, ground rupture, ground shaking landslides, liquefaction and tsunamis. The secondary effect of earthquakes is fires. These earthquakes are usually caused when rock underground suddenly breaks. When two blocks of rocks are rubbing each other they stick and when the rock breaks the earthquakes occur. The five causes of earthquakes are volcanic eruption, tectonic movements, geological faults, man-made and minor causes. Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture of geological faults but also by other events such as volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear tests. An earthquake's point of initial rupture is called its focus or hypocenter. The epicenter is the point at ground level directly above the hypocenter.
Preventive measures during Earthquake:
·         Cover the back of your head and your eyes to minimize injury from flying debris. Do not use elevators during earthquakes use only steps.
·         Stay calm and brace yourself to keep balance and if sitting is possible.
·         Turn off all possible sources of fire like gas equipment etc.
·          Keep open a door or a window for secure to exit.
·         Protect yourself by crawling under a study table or desk or any other furniture.
·         Identify safe places like indoors and outdoors.
·         Stay away from windows and light fixtures.
·         Stay inside until the shaking stops.
·         If you are outside stay away from buildings, bridges and electricity and move to open areas.
·         If you are in a car, stop safely away from structures, large tress, power lines. Don’t stop your car under bridges.


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